8 Things You're Doing Wrong in Your Forex Trading
So you’re new to forex? Or perhaps you’ve been trading for a
while now and things just aren’t working out for you? Maybe you’re
committing one of the errors below. Whatever you do, don’t be too hard
on yourself. Many traders at one point make one (or all) of these
Mistake 1: Risking too much
This is a mistake that all too many forex traders make. Sometimes
people view the forex market as a get-rich-quick market and get burned
as a result of it. With sensible risk management techniques, trading
currency is great way to diversify your portfolio.
Professional traders recommend that you should not trade more
than 2-5% of your equity per trade, and the max-draw-down (the absolute
maximum amount you’ll let a trade lose) be no more than 5%. Invariably
this limits your gains, but most importantly it limits your losses.
The fact is you’re going to have a bad trading day; it happens to
the best of the best. But what separates the men from the boys is how
they handle the bad days.
Don’t let a bad trading day be your last trading day.
Mistake 2: Improper risk-reward ratio
Did you know that you can have a losing trading strategy (meaning
your strategy is wrong more often than it’s right) and still be
profitable? In reality it seems that the inverse is more common: a
winning forex trading strategy that is not profitable.
The culprit? Improper risk-reward ratios.
For example, assume you have a strategy that is right 80% of the
time. Awesome, right? Well, if the average take profit is 15 points yet
the stop loss is set at 75 points the strategy isn’t as awesome anymore.
Having good risk-reward ratios – letting your winners ride and
cutting the losers early – just might turn an otherwise losing strategy
into a winning strategy.
Mistake 3: Never admitting you’re wrong
Whenever you catch yourself saying, “It just can’t go any lower!”
it’s time to step away from your trading. Don’t beat yourself up
though; it’s human nature: we all hate being wrong and we hate cutting
that losing trade.
Try this: instead of setting a normal stop loss when placing a
trade, ask yourself, “at what point am I wrong?” This point might be
market support or resistance, or when your indicator of choice reaches a
certain point.
You might find that the point you are “wrong” isn’t as far away
as what your stop loss would have been, meaning it could end up saving
you a lot of pips.
Remember, the question is not, “how much am I willing to lose?”
The question should be, “when am I wrong?”
Mistake 4: Trading live before demo
Always, always, always! test your strategy out on a demo account
first. Even if you’re implementing a winning trading strategy used by
someone else you should still test it on a demo account.
When testing on a demo account, remember that back-testing is
good but forward-testing on a demo account is best. Back-testing is
great for getting a general idea of accuracy, but it can’t duplicate
live market conditions nor evoke possible trader emotions (more on this
At a minimum you should forward-test a strategy for a few months. The longer the better.
Mistake 5: Too much leverage
The forex market is leveraged like no other market (which is one
reason why forex is so popular). Many traders come to the forex market
fantasizing about making huge gains overnight, but at the same time
forget that they are more likely instead to sustain huge losses.
This leverage definitely can be used for good, but it requires
first an intimate understanding of the effects of leverage and an
absolute diligence with risk management: for leverage knows no mercy.
Leverage makes for larger profits, but also larger losses.
Mistake 6: Pulling trades out of thin air
We often think there are two different kinds of trades: buy and
sell. But in reality there is a third kind that often gets neglected:
hold. In other words, you can buy or sell, or you can do nothing.
Novice traders often think that they have to be trading in order
to be profitable, and when their trading strategy isn’t giving any
signals they go off looking for opportunities. More often than not, what
happens is traders pull trading opportunities out of thin air and end
up getting burned.
Raghee Horner said it best: Don’t look for reasons *to* trade;
look for reasons *not* to trade. By having this mindset traders can
(hopefully) prevent talking themselves into a bad trade and can
(hopefully) look for possible reasons why a trade signal may not work
Sure, this cause you to not take some trades that would have
ended up being profitable; but you might also find that you miss trades
that would have ended up negative.
Mistake 7: Investing money you can’t afford to lose
No matter how good you think your trading strategy is, you should
never invest money you can’t afford to lose. The saying “hope for the
best, plan for the worst” definitely rings true here. What if your
strategy had a horrible day? It happens. You may tell yourself that it’s
extremely unlikely that such an event would happen to you, but don’t
think for a second that it’s not possible (and if you’ve been trading
the forex market long enough you know that the “extremely unlikely” just
might happen sooner than later).
And if that happens will it affect your standard of living? Will
your spouse want a divorce? If so, then you are investing money you
can’t afford to lose.
Last, but definitely not least:
Mistake 8: Letting emotions control you
There is a theme to this article, that being that many of the
pitfalls of trading are emotion-based. Emotions wanting us to risk it
all; emotions wanting us to keep that losing trade in hopes that it
willl become a winning trade; emotions rushing us to a live account
instead of slowing down and testing on a demo account first; emotions
wanting us to take that trade even though the signal isn’t that good.
Emotions may be the hardest thing for amateur traders to control, but the fact that it’s difficult highlights its importance.
One of the most important things you can do to combat emotions is
to develop a well-rounded trading plan and stick to it. Having a
trading plan can help you establish do’s and don’ts (i.e., do enter a
trade when certain criteria is met, don’t let a losing trade lose more
than 5%, etc.), thus helping to remove emotions that make us
Another way to help you control emotions is to utilize fractional
lot sizes available with all Interbank FX accounts. The emotions that
come with trading are usually different between live and demo accounts,
but traders can transition from demo to live by essentially trading
cents. Even though you’re only dealing with nickels and dimes, the
profit or loss is still real. And no matter how hard you try, that is
not an emotion that can be duplicated with a demo account.
As discussed in Mistake #4, we recommend you start with a demo
account, then transition to a live account by trading 0.01 lots and
slowly work your way up to a proper risk level (as learned from Mistake
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